Vermont Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Vermont Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template is an effective document when safeguarding a business’ Trade Secrets. When such paperwork is employed, a concerned business entity will gain a signature acknowledging the definitions of Trade Secrets and how a signature party should treat them. This signature will also act as a written promise from the individual placing it or the entity that individual is authorized to represent.

For instance, suppose a business will enter a working relationship with another entity such as a corporation that will be on-site often. Naturally, in order for this corporation to be held liable to the terms in this contract it will have to authorize an individual (such as an Officer) to sign this document. Of course, if this is the case, the business using this contract should make sure the signature party’s credentials are solid. Regardless of the type of entity signing this document, it will be enforceable in a court of law in the State of Vermont.

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LawsTitle 9, Chapter 143 (Trade Secrets)