Arizona Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Arizona Non-Disclosure Agreement Template provides the contractual assurance users require to protect their interests. Typically, such agreements are useful when a new employee is hired by a company and that company wishes to guard its confidential information such as trade secrets or intellectual property. This type of agreement can be used for a variety of additional purposes as the situation dictates so long as it is compliant with Local, State, and Federal laws. Topics discussed here will range from the Period of Confidentiality to required Notices of Unauthorized Disclosure to a host of other concerns. The language provided can be edited by a user, but this should be done only after consulting a qualified professional.

Ultimately, the signature parties will decide what is agreed to after they have had an opportunity to review this template and have a frank discussion regarding its contents. A preview image has been provided on this page for a quick perusal. When you are ready, you may download it, at your discretion, using one of the links below the image. Once each participant has read this form he or she should sign and date it. It is strongly recommended to print enough copies so that each signature party may keep an original signed document.

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LawsTitle 44 > 4 (Uniform Trade Secrets Act)