Connecticut Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Connecticut Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template, downloadable on this page, sets the structure and language necessary to protect a business or professional’s confidentiality where such things as Trade Secrets or Intellectual Property are a source of concern. Typically, when entering a working relationship with an entity or individual, all parties with a vested interest in keeping Trade Practices in-house will require some assurance that sensitive information is not maliciously or even inadvertently passed to other entities. The document provided here addresses this requirement nicely.

The template presented on this page is fully compliant with Connecticut’s Chapter 625 Uniform Trade Secrets Act, in that it will not violate any of its chapters nor will it supersede any definitions determined by the State of Connecticut. Users will need to input the information requested by each signature party, review the terms presented, then provide items such as a Signature and Signature Date. It is fair to mention that during a discussion of these terms, some objects may be crossed out or omitted, depending on the case, but this should only be done when an attorney has been consulted on these actions so that compliance with the Connecticut Uniform Trade Act is assured.

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LawsChapter 625 (Uniform Trade Secrets Act)