Financial Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Financial Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template serves businesses wishing to provide information to entities while maintaining confidentiality. For instance, a business may wish to hire a consultant to review its status and possibly improve its performance will need to provide quite a bit of information to that consultant. This obviously can result in some valid security concerns and any such business would want some written promise from the consultant that objects such as Trade Secrets or Client Lists are maintained in the strictest of confidence. This template will address such a need nicely. Of course, this is just one example. This agreement will address any situation where a business needs to provide information it wishes kept in-house to another entity and desires some assurance that such information is not dispensed by the Receiving Party.

The wording in this document will openly address the topic of a business’ information and define when this information should be considered confidential, how it should be guarded to the satisfaction of the business, and where the responsibility of the Receiving Party begins and ends. Additionally, it will require the signature of the Receiving Party as a binding promise to the terms listed here.

How To Write

1 – The Required Non-Disclosure Paperwork Should Be Obtained On This Page

This form should be downloaded using one of the links (Adobe PDFMS Word (.docx)) provided on this page. Once you have obtained a copy make sure to read through it then fill it our with the requested information. If all the information input is accurate present it to the Receiving Party for a signature.

2 – Satisfy The Declaration Statement’s Requested Items

The first paragraph will require much of input requested by this form. We will begin with the first three blank lines. Here, we will record the official Date of this agreement. This should be entered as the Two-Digit Day of the Month on the first blank line, the Month on the second blank line, and the Two-Digit Year on the third blank line.

The next two blank spaces, positioned after the words “…By And Between” will need the Legal Name of the Party disclosing information and requires its privacy maintained. Then, on the blank line right after the Name you entered, record the Mailing Address of the Disclosing Party.

Now, we will need to define the Receiving Party. Enter the Legal Name of the party who is receiving information with the promise of maintaining secrecy. This should be followed by the complete Mailing Address of the Receiving Party entered on the last blank space in this paragraph.

The next item requiring attention is Item 8. This item simply requires the Name of the State where the conditions of this document may be enforced recorded on the blank space provided in this paragraph.

3 – The Receiving Party’s Written Execution

The Receiving Party will need to verify its understanding and agreement to the terms of this agreement. This may only be done at the bottom of the page on the blank line labeled “Receiving Party’s Signature” where the Receiving Party must sign his or her Name. Below this, he or she must Print his or her Name.

The Date when the Receiving Party signs this agreement must be entered on the blank space labeled “Date” at the time of signing.