Michigan Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

Formats: Adobe PDF & MS Word
File Size: 230.80 KB
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The Michigan Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template is a legal tool used to obligate each participating entity to one another regarding Trade Secrets. This paperwork will categorize the type of information a business entity considers sensitive or confidential. Once this definition has been supplied subjects such as Unauthorized Use, Injunctive Actions, and Severability will be addressed. Each topic should be read thoroughly by the entities participating in this contract.

The Michigan Trade Secrets Act will not supersede the effect of this document, similarly this contract is compliant with and shall not affect any acts taken by government entities regarding a violation of the Michigan Trade Secrets Act. It is up to each participant to uphold both the terms of this contract as well as the law in the State of Michigan.

To begin utilizing this form, you will need either a current browser or a software program capable of editing either a Word or a PDF document. You should access this paperwork directly from this page, then review it. Make sure all signature parties have ample time to review this as well.

DownloadsAdobe PDF, Microsoft Word (.docx)

Laws – Act 448 of 1998 (Michigan Trade Secrets Act)