New Hampshire Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The New Hampshire Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template sets forth the language needed to illustrate how a business’ Trade Secrets should be handled by its professional relationships. Here we shall go over a definition of what exactly should be considered Trade Secrets. Naturally, this discussion shall include other relevant topics such as how it may or may not be obtained or when such knowledge is inappropriately used and illegally dispersed. This document conforms to the New Hampshire Statutes Uniform Trade Secrets Act and will act within its auspices. Listing the expectations of a business entity in a timely manner will keep all parties on the same page in preventing any unfortunate breaches of confidence. That is, a person’s signature will act as a tool to bind the signature party with the conditions detailed in this paperwork.

It should be understood the New Hampshire Trade Secrets Act focuses on what would be considered criminal behavior but does not interfere with this contract. This paperwork will strictly concern itself with the parties directly involved with the signing. Thus, its primarily interest is to protect the business entity using it.

The agreement is accessible on this page using the links below. It may be used as often as necessary with so long as the correct information is supplied onto it. Make sure you are up to date on any local laws that may have additional requirements since, legislature can vary from county to county at times.

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LawsChapter 350-B (Uniform Trade Secrets Act)