Virginia Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Virginia Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template is formatted so that it can provide proof of an entity’s intent to maintain a company’s Trade Secrets. The wording contained here will inform all signature parties that they may be exposed to a company’s Trade Secrets or other sensitive information and that such information should not be dispensed or used improperly. Several other disclosures will be made including when a signature entity may be held responsible for violating the terms of this contract. All the language, definitions, and conditions set forth in this document is compatible with and will conform with the Virginia Uniform Trade Secrets Act (§ 59.1-336 to 59.1-343). It should be mentioned this contract and the Virginia Uniform Trade Secrets Act are two different tools that do not interfere with one another. Thus, when a remedy to a violation to this contract is sought, it will not in any way prevent any actions taken by the State of Virginia and vice versa.

The action of signing this paperwork will symbolize the signature party’s comprehension and compliance with the contents here. Therefore, make sure enough time has been allotted to each signature party for a competent review to occur prior to signing. It will be available as a download through one of the links below. If desired, you may also simply select the image to immediately view and print it. It is recommended to download a copy for future use. If maintained as a template, it can be re-used whenever entering new professional relationships at the discretion of the user.

DownloadsAdobe PDF, Microsoft Word (.docx)

Laws – § 59.1-336 to § 59.1-343 (Uniform Trade Secrets Act)