Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template holds two entities, who must share information with one another, responsible for maintaining confidentiality. Thus, if one of these entities needs to expose any of its Trade Secrets during the exchange, it will have a written and signed promise that any information deemed as confidential will not be misused or dispensed. Several definitions concerning confidential information, how confidential information should be presented to maintain its secrecy, and the obligation each party holds to one another. Thus, both parties enjoy a mutual promise from the other and can proceed with confidence. This can promote a healthy exchange that aids in attaining the goals of the concerned business relationship.

It will be crucial to the success of this document that each entity participating in this agreement give a full review and have a frank discussion regarding its contents. The template will need some information regarding each party. Make sure to present it accurately then print enough copies so each party may retain a signed original.

How To Write

1 – This Paperwork Is Attainable Through This Page

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2 – Fill In The Information Requested

The first paragraph of this document will name each party that has agreed to the terms listed here. This will require the Full Legal Name and Current Mailing Address of each party.

Enter the 1st Party’s Full Name on the first blank line and his or her Mailing Address on the second blank space.

Now, we will need to enter the 2nd Party’s information. Record the Full Name of the 2nd Party on the third blank space of this paragraph. Then, present the 2nd Party’s Mailing Address on the last blank space of this paragraph.

Now that we have identified each party, we will need to specify how long this agreement will last. The opportunity to do so will be presented in Item 2. Locate the blank line in this paragraph then enter the number of years from the Signature Date where this contract will be in effect.

3 – Only Signature Parties May Execute This Agreement

This contract only becomes a contract upon a consenting Signature. The first party will need to sign the blank space labeled “1st Party Signature” then, on the adjacent blank space, present his or her Printed Name. The next item the 1st Party must supply is the Signature Date. This will be the Date he or she signs this document. The binding power of this agreement will begin with this Signature Date.

Now it will be time for the 2nd Party to sign his or her Name on the blank line labeled “2nd Party Signature.” The 2nd Party will also need to print his or her Name on the blank line labeled “Print Name.”

The 2nd Party must supply the Date he or she signed this contract and entered this agreement on the blank line labeled “Date”