Colorado Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Colorado Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template enables its users to have a quick and clean method for entering a contract where trade secrets, confidential information, and intellectual property will be protected. The Colorado Uniform Trade Act allows individuals and entities the opportunity to develop such agreements so that each participant may proceed to conduct business with the other safely. That is, this contract will provide definitions and consequences considered binding (and enforceable by the courts) regarding anything considered confidential information that is unique to the participant’s business. Thus, it is important for all participants have fully acquainted themselves with the language used in this paperwork.

This template is only considered a contract when it is signed and dated. Only the signature parties will be bound by it. It will be clearly stated within this document which behaviors will be considered a breach of confidence and which behaviors will not be considered a violation. There will be a variety of topics discussed and solidified here as well, so make sure to set aside a reasonable amount of time for a review and discussion between all the signature parties. One should also make sure they are acquainted with the Colorado Uniform Trade Act as certain limitations and extensions may be applied to the terms of contract here. It should be noted this paperwork does not describe, apply to, or prohibit individual actions taken by government entities if a signature party violates existing laws resulting from his or her violation of this contract.

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LawsTitle 7, Article 74 (Uniform Trade Secrets Act)