Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

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The Employee Non-Disclosure Agreement is a standard contract used with new hires. Companies will often express interest in protecting their confidential information and proprietary data when entering a new business relationship with any entity at the time of hiring. The paperwork presented on this page is an efficient tool to assuage these such concerns. Here, a set of definitions concerning confidentiality, communications, and behavior will be set forth to spell out to an employee what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. When this paperwork is executed by signature, it can then be considered a signed contract. That is, any violation of its terms by a signature party can result in the penalties described within it, outside of and in addition to any actions taken by a government institution (i.e. Law Enforcement). It is therefore important to make sure that everyone obligated by signature to this document is fully abreast of its contents.

When you are ready, you may download this template directly from this page as a PDF or a Word Document. If you wish to fill in the information on-screen, you should make sure to have the appropriate program. Otherwise, you may print it from an up-to-date browser.

How to Write

1 – Open The Template

Open this template as either an Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx). If you lack such software, you may access this form through your browser (as a PDF) then print it.

2 – Fill In The First Paragraph With Requested Information

The Employee’s Full Name should be documented on the blank line between the words “…Between” and “…Hereinafter.”

The next blank space in this paragraph will need the Full Name of the Employer presented. If this is a business entity, make sure to include any required suffix (i.e. Corp., Ltd., etc.)

The Legal Mailing Address of the Employer will also need to be documented in this statement. This will be done across the next three blank spaces. Use the blank space following the phrase “…With A Mailing Address Of” to report the Employer’s Street Address.

Finally, locate the blank spaces following the terms “…City/Town Of” and “…State Of” then enter the City and State where the Employer’s Street Address is located.

2 – Document The Local Jurisdiction

The language in this form has been developed for the specific purpose of setting terms of Nondisclosure for both parties however, the State where the Employer is located ultimately governs the behavior of the Business, Employee, and this Contract. The jurisdiction where this contract is governed will need to be documented in Article IV, paragraph C. Locate the blank line after the words “…By The Laws Of The State Of” then, enter the State where this contract’s terms will be governed and enforced.

3 – This Contract May Only Be Executed By Signature
Each individual who must adhere to the terms of this contract must sign and date this form once it has been filled out with the information it requested. Naturally this will be required at the end of this contract. Locate the employee Signature Line just below Article IV, paragraph G. The Employee must sign his or her Name on this line.

After signing his or her Name, the Employee must also Print his or her Name on the blank line below it.

Finally, using the “Date” line in the lower left hand corner, the Principal must enter the Date he or she signed this document.

Now, at the top of the right-hand column in this area, the Employer will need to provide his or her Signature on the blank space labeled “Signature of Employer Representative.” If the Employer is a Business Entity such as a corporation or limited liability company, this document should be signed by an authorized representative of this entity (i.e. an H.R. Representative, Officer, etc.).

The Employer Signature Party will need to print his or her name on the next line.

The next blank space has been provided so the Signature Party of the Employer may enter his or her Title (if applicable).

Finally, the last blank line in this column will need the Date the Employer signed this agreement entered on it by the Employer Signature Party.