Georgia Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Georgia Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template, a pre-formatted contract form, provided on this page may be used for virtually any business relationship where privacy or sensitive information are a concern. Many industries will seek to protect their Trade Secrets, especially when it must be shared for one reason or another. A common example of such a time is a new hire or when two or more companies agree to work together. In either of these cases (and others), having a signed agreement between all relevant parties which clearly prohibits the improper use or dissemination of Trade Secrets will serve as a wise precaution at the start of the concerned professional relationship.

It’s important to mention that while this Non-Disclosure Agreement conforms to the Georgia Trade Secrets Act as defined in Chapter 1 of 2016 Georgia Code Title 10. This contract will in no way interfere with any other remedies that government entities choose to take because of a signature party’s misconduct.

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LawsTitle 10, Chapter 1, Article 27 (Trade Secrets)