Mississippi Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Mississippi Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template details the expectation an entity holds regarding how a new business relationship should treat that entity’s Trade Secrets. Sensitive information is often available because of and during new business relationships. Obviously, an entity will want certain rules to be followed (regarding information and Trade Secrets) and this will be a logical expectation, if such rules are spelled out and acknowledged. This contract will seek this goal and achieve it, once it has been signed by all concerned parties.

It is fair to mention that Mississippi has its own laws that exist independently of this paperwork. Any violation of the law that occurs as a result of actions such as the misappropriation of Trade Secrets could potentially be handled by the State of Mississippi independently of any consequences a signature party will need to face in relation to other Signature Parties. Thus, if an offended signature party must seek reparations or attempt to intervene when its Trade Secrets are being violated, this contract could be instrumental to this goal.

Every signature party or representative should make sure to read each item presented on this contract. Only when each item has been fully understood should a signature be supplied.

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LawsTitle 75, Chapter 26 (Mississippi Uniform Trade Secrets Act)