Maine Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Maine Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template sets forth the wording required to dictate that a business’ Trade Secrets remains protected when entering a relationship with another entity. Typically, when beginning any professional relationship, it is a good idea to make sure each one knows the what is permitted and what is considered a breach of confidence. This initial clarification of terms, regarding the sensitive information a signature entity may be exposed to when conducting business with the other(s), will place the responsibility of acknowledgement and agreement on each participant. Thus, significantly lowering the chances of inadvertent misconduct and the ability to hold an offending participant liable for any breach in terms directly to the other(s) signature parties involved.

Each individual signing this document should be aware that while its scope of requirements will not supersede the Maine Uniform Trade Secrets Act (Maine Revise Statutes Title 10 Chapter 302). Similarly, the Maine Uniform Trade Secrets Act will only serve to aid violated parties in seeking remedies using a court of law. Once a signature is provided, both this contract and the law will expect the signing party to maintain its behavior according to the terms set here.

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LawsTitle 10, Chapter 302 (Uniform Trade Secrets Act)