Louisiana Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Louisiana Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template has been supplied on this page as a tool to aid in protecting a business entity’s privacy. Regardless of the nature of the entity using this document (i.e. Corporation, Partnership, Person), this form will become an enforceable contract once it is signed. Thus, obligating each signer to the terms within. The items contained will deliver a guideline of behavior for the participating entities, detailing how information may and may not be dispensed. Generally, any kind of Trade Secret or that considered Sensitive Information should not be improperly distributed in any manner because this contract complies to applicable State laws and Statutes.

This template is compliant with Louisiana Revised Statute Chapter 13-A Uniform Trade Secrets Act. This is an important fact to remember and any changes a user wishes to make to the language here should only be done after it has been approved by a qualified professional (i.e. an Attorney). Any changes made by the user must not violate Louisiana Laws in this matter. Louisiana will take all actions to preserve the secrecy of a business (Louisiana Revised Statute §1435 Preservation of secrecy) regardless of whether this document is used. In fact, while this contract will obligate each signature party to the other it will only be able to do so if the language within it conforms to Louisiana Law at all times.

Open and download this form on this page. Review it, fill in the information, the dispense it to each Signature Party. Make sure to give each entity the time to review the terms it contains thoroughly as this will be his, her, or its code of conduct regarding the other entity’s entering this agreement and their Trade Secrets. Only those entity’s signing this document will be held responsible to this contract.

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Laws – Title 51 > Chapter 13-A (Uniform Trade Secrets Act)