Intern Confidentiality Agreement Template – NDA

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The Intern Confidentiality Agreement (NDA) Template is a reliable tool in gaining a promise of secrecy from Interns regarding a company’s confidential information. Interning can bring quite a few benefits, both to the Intern and the Company where the he or she is interning with, however, there will be one or nuances regarding a Company’s security.

One such concern is exposure (accidental or intentional) to a Company’s information. That is, when a company uses interns, some or all of its information will be exposed to the Intern. This could result in a dispersal of information from the Intern. Such indiscretions can be accidental but, when the information that is leaked concerns a Trade Secret or other sensitive information, the Company can be gravely injured in today’s competitive market.

This paperwork will spell out, to Interns, what sort of information the Company considers sensitive or confidential and how that information should be guarded by the Intern to the satisfaction of the Company. These terms will be useful to the Intern by disclosing what he or she will be responsible for in this area. Once this document has been signed, the Company can be rest assured that it has pursued a wise precautionary method.  As with any contract, a signature will signify the understanding and agreement of the individual signing it with its terms.

How to Write

1 – This Contract Can Be Secured From This Page

Select one of the links below (Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx)) to open this paperwork in the desired format. You can fill in this information onscreen or print it then supply all the requested items.Adobe PDFMicrosoft Word (.docx)

2 – Record The Identity Of Each Entity

The initial paragraph of this document requests some basic information regarding this agreement. On the first blank space present the Legal Name of the Intern (First, Middle, Last Name).

Now, on the blank space after the words “…Confidential Information While Interning At,” report the Legal Name of the entity where the Intern will be interning.

3 – The Intern Must Sign This Contract After Agreeing To It

The last statement of this document is the “In Witness Whereof” statement. Here the Intern must enter the Calendar Day, Month, and Year this form is being executed.

Finally, the Intern must sign and print his or her name on the blank line labeled “Intern’s Signature” and “Print Name” respectively.