Kentucky Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Kentucky Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template acts as an effective deterrent against the improper dissemination of a company’s confidential information. As a written tool, it will provide the proof that every signature party has read its contents and has promised to adhere to its restrictions. That is, this should be considered a fully binding contract once it has been filled out and signed.

These types of agreements are used regularly by companies, oftentimes, when a new hire is being processed. This is because when a company exposes its operations to an outside entity for any amount of time, that entity will possess information that could potentially cause significant harm should it be released improperly. A good way to make sure that any entity exposed to a company’s internal operation refrains from dispersing confidential information is to spell out precisely what is and what is not allowed when discussing the concerned business.

This contract form will not be considered binding unless it is filled out properly then signed. When you are ready, set aside some time. You will need to supply some basic information and review the terms. Make sure you and all other signature parties are well versed on the subject matters discussed in this paperwork. Once everyone has read and agreed to the terms, each entity must provide a signature. If it is a business entity, an authorized Officer may sign on its behalf.

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Laws§ 365.800 to § 365.900 (Uniform Trade Secrets Act)