New Mexico Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The New Mexico Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template is a standard method of obligating one or more entities to keeping any of the user’s Trade Secrets they are exposed to confidential.

This is not to say New Mexico does not have any statutes governing such circumstances. The New Mexico Uniform Trade Secrets Act will provide a general protection against certain actions however, a binding agreement (such as the one below) will lay a responsibility on the Signature Party directly to the user’s terms and definitions. A declaration of what should be considered Trade Secrets and what actions are allowed or forbidden to the Signature Party will inform the signer of his or her limitations. This document must be signed to bind an entity to its contents and the user. It should be observed, this document does not in any way dictate how government entities will act in such matters and is compliant with New Mexico State Laws.

When you download this form make sure to review it before filling it out. It may be edited with the appropriate software however, it would be unwise to do so without first consulting a well-versed attorney. Allow a reasonable amount of time for each individual who will provide a signature to review this document in its entirety before signing it.

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LawsChapter 57, Article 3A (Uniform Trade Secrets)