Nevada Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Nevada Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template enables its creator to safeguard their Trade Secrets as a written tool with a binding signature. That is, by acting as a written contract it becomes enforceable in a court of law and obligates any individual signing this document to its contents. This should be considered a separate matter from anything that violates the Nevada Uniform Trade Secrets Act and is fully compliant with Nevada State Law.

This contract will however document the responsibilities of all its participants thereby obligating them upon signing to its discussions regarding the privacy, use, and penalties of the concerned business entity’s Information and Trade Secrets. It is generally considered both fair practice and wise, at the beginning of a professional relationship, to make sure all parties are aware of how information such as Trade Secrets should be treated. This paperwork will list each point that should be made and agreed to.

This contract has the structure and the language that must be presented to protect a business entity’s Trade Secrets but will have the versatility to be re-applied when necessary so long as the correct information is supplied. You may download it from this page using the links provided.

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Laws Chapter 600A – Trade Secrets (Uniform Act)