Washington Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

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The Washington Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template supplies the wording necessary to obligate a signature party to guarding a company’s Trade Secrets and other sensitive information. The misuse of a company’s private information (accidental or otherwise) is often a reasonable concern when it must interact with other entities that will have access to its grounds or records. When this situation arises, often as the result of a new hire, it would be considered wise to have some paperwork on hand to spell out what information should be considered confidential or a Trade Secret and what a company expects of an entity’s behavior when it is exposed to and/or gains access to such knowledge. This disclosure will place the burden of responsibility on the signature party to maintain the code of conduct defined in this paperwork.

This template has been developed to be compliant with the Washington Trade Secrets Act (Chapter 19.108 RCW) and will not interfere in the implementation or protections afforded by this piece of legislature. However, it will hold the parties signing this document as being directly responsible for acknowledging its contents and conditions. Washington State Law will not impede the use of this contract. In fact, as a signed contract, its remedies may be sought after in a court of law. 

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Laws – Chapter 19.108 RCW (Uniform Trade Secrets Act)