Eviction Notices - PDF Templates - How to Evict


Violation of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Notice – Cease and Desist

The Violation of Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Notice – Cease and Desist Template should be utilized when it is time to enforce a violated Agreement. The Misappropriation of an entity’s information or even an incidental misuse can have destructive consequences on its survival in a competitive market. Therefore, many business entities will employ a Non-Disclosure Agreement when entering a new professional relationship with another entity. Simply put, such paperwork sets the term of how a Disclosing Party’s Trade Secrets and Confidential Information must be safeguarded by the Recipient Party who has entered the Agreement with a signature. The action of signing a

Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

The Unilateral Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template will bind one party to the maintain the confidence of another when it comes to the Disclosing Party’s Confidential Information. This promise can only be elicited and upheld by the courts if the terms listed in this are clearly detailed and both parties can agree that its terms are valid and should be upheld. The Signature provided by the signature party on this paperwork will be the binding tool necessary for the court’s use when these terms require enforcement. Much of this document will already have the wording necessary to discuss topics such as

Real Estate Buyer Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template – Confidentiality

The Prospective Real Estate Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template will help Landlords to protect their interests in maintaining their privacy when they must give access to their Property to a Prospective Tenant. Confidentiality becomes an issue when any foreign body is privy to an entity’s secrets. This can be especially true of Landlords who open their Property for inspections or lease arrangements. Typically, most Landlords will want assurance that their information is safe from being used or dispensed in any way, especially if it is confidential information that may affect their standing in the community or professional status. This type of

Intern Confidentiality Agreement Template – NDA

The Intern Confidentiality Agreement (NDA) Template is a reliable tool in gaining a promise of secrecy from Interns regarding a company’s confidential information. Interning can bring quite a few benefits, both to the Intern and the Company where the he or she is interning with, however, there will be one or nuances regarding a Company’s security. One such concern is exposure (accidental or intentional) to a Company’s information. That is, when a company uses interns, some or all of its information will be exposed to the Intern. This could result in a dispersal of information from the Intern. Such indiscretions

Software Development Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

The Software Development Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template developed for the purpose of protecting a Software Company’s Intellectual Property or otherwise Confidential Information from being disseminated by the Signature Party against the Software Company’s wishes. This can help a Software Company avoid a disastrous leak of information in a market that is notorious for being highly competitive. Such a leak can jeopardize a Software Company’s future and possibly harm the individual who has acted indiscreetly. Both results may be easily avoided by using every precautionary tool in one’s arsenal such as obtaining a written promise of discretion from the Recipient.This document

Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement Template – NDA

The Volunteer Non-Disclosure Agreement (Confidential) Template can be used to explain to volunteers the responsibility involved when being exposed to a Company’s Trade Secrets or Confidential Information. In addition to making sure such obligations are spelled out, this document will also seek the Volunteer’s binding Signature. The purpose of this document can only be fulfilled with this item, since this will aid the Company in maintaining its privacy. Naturally, it will be in everyone’s best interests if both parties make sure they comprehend and agree with the definitions and conditions this document imposes on each Signature Party. The discussion regarding

Website Design Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

The Website Design Non-Disclosure (NDA) Template enables a Web Designer and his or her Client to solidify each Party’s desire to maintain Confidentiality. This results from the natural process of designing a web page for a client. Often, the Client will need to share what may be very sensitive information, so a project may continue. Similarly, a Web Designer may need to reveal some of his or her Trade Secrets. Both parties will hope that any such information shared will remain kept in-house and shared only with the Discloser and the Recipient. This document will name all the conditions that

Trade Secret Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

The Trade Secret Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template will present several items concerning a Company’s Confidence when it shares sensitive information with a Recipient Party. Oftentimes, when a new business relationship is being forged (whether it is meant to be temporary or permanent), a Company may need to divulge or share information as a result. Currently, the sharing of a Company’s Confidential Information can be a long-term security issue with the potential for extremely deleterious effects on that Company’s long-term health. However, a sharing of Trade Secrets can often lend to a Company’s growth in some business relationship thus, a wise

Financial Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

The Financial Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template serves businesses wishing to provide information to entities while maintaining confidentiality. For instance, a business may wish to hire a consultant to review its status and possibly improve its performance will need to provide quite a bit of information to that consultant. This obviously can result in some valid security concerns and any such business would want some written promise from the consultant that objects such as Trade Secrets or Client Lists are maintained in the strictest of confidence. This template will address such a need nicely. Of course, this is just one example.

Landlord-Tenant Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template

The Landlord-Tenant Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) Template, presented below, has been developed to procure a binding signature from a Tenant who will be exposed to Landlord information that must be kept confidential or private. Sometimes, a Landlord’s information may be quite exposed to a Tenant, such as when one business leases part of its premises to another business. This gives the renter or Tenant access to the Landlord’s information on a day-to-day basis. Obviously, Landlords who must share information or have their information exposed would like to retain control over how that information is treated by the recipient Tenant. This document

How to Evict a Tenant in